Welcome to Harvester Presbyterian Church in America
Welcome        For Guests        Our Staff        Location        Statement of Beliefs

We Believe:

  1. the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
  2. in one Eternal God revealed in three persons.
  3. that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and that His crucifixion made provision for sinful men to be brought into fellowship with God.
  4. in the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ where He sits at the right hand of God.
  5. in the visible bodily return of Jesus Christ to the earth to judge the world.
  6. in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead and that His ministry and gifts are given to build up His church.
  7. in the reality of Satan (the tempter) and Hell for the unregenerate.
  8. that man in his natural state is a sinner, lost, and without hope of access to God except through the Lord Jesus Christ.
  9. that salvation is possible through repentance from sin, a total submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and that it is totally by the blood of Jesus and by grace and not by works.
  10. that church membership is a serious commitment between the leadership and the member in which the leadership provides spiritual oversight and protection and the member responds with a spirit of cooperation and submission in the Lord.